A Night of Meditation

I had a whole other post idea for tonight, but then I meditated and well, that seemed more important right now.

A friend of mine badly wanted to clear out her mind, body and soul.  Stress was pushing it’s limits on her well being.  We all know that feeling too well.  She suggested going to the Blue Iris Zen Sangha over on the Westbank to learn about meditation. I was skeptical since I am not a religious person, and didn’t want to chant, but we checked it out and it was all about meditation.

I had previously meditated some on my own with an iPhone app and pretty much fell asleep when I did it.  You are not in a sleep state I learned, but that is the peacefulness of meditation.  With that in mind I was excited to learn more.

It’s not flashy, but very humble.  A Zen garden with dogs and a Vietnamese Buddhist Monk, whom we talked to for a few minutes and learned of his travels.  I could tell my friend’s husband was fascinated with the Monk, I mean you just want to ask him so many questions and the Monk is a man who just wishes to pass on his teachings.  Next we went to the meditation temple, pillows lined up on the floor.  It was a thoughtful setting, not formal and the 14 or so people there were the same.  The three of us were the new ones in the group.  You sit relaxed and they have an open talk of a Buddhist discussion for the week.  Tonight was about Impermanence.  A pretty griping subject considering I’ve changed so much in my life and have taken the good and bad away every time.  I think all three of us wanted to speak or shout out in agreement with everyone who spoke, but we were wide-eyed and concentrating.  The one thing I got out of it is the only thing that is truly permanent is change, therefore life cannot continue without impermanence.

Then it was the meditation.  There are two 20 minute cycles of complete silence with a stretch walk in between.  Concentrate on your breathing; little or no movement.  This is the peace and tranquility time.  I think I can speak for all of us that we really felt it…I know I got there to that deep meditative point if just for a few minutes and it felt great.  When it’s over it just feels like all the craziness in life washes away from you.

Lets just say I went there with a very busy mind and left in total peace.  Quiet all the way home.

This is a portion of the Four Takes on Impermanence:

“If we are not empty, we become a block of matter.

We cannot breathe, we cannot think.

To be empty means to be alive, to breathe in and to breathe out.

We cannot be alive if we are not empty.

Emptiness is impermanence, it is change.

We should not complain about impermanence, because without impermanence, nothing is possible.”

-Thich  Nhat Hanh

Finding Inspiration in the Spirit of Another

“I dream a lot. I do more painting when I’m not painting. It’s in the subconscious.” ~ Andrew Wyeth

Walking through the French Quarter today…taking in the beauty, history, antiques, voodoo shops and art galleries.  I was looking for my weekly inspiration and the French Quarter is spectacular for that once you walk away from the crowds and focus on the creative energy, which is all around you.

Kalle Siekkinen

I had thought about blogging about other local artists I love and today I discovered a new artist, Kalle Siekkinen, and his mentor William Hemmerling, who passed away 3 years ago.  Mr. Hemmerling had a kind soul, a true artist by nature.  I had seen him a few times at Jazz Fest and really enjoyed talking to him about his work.  He painted folk art; the kind of folk art that grips you, gives the viewer meaning.  You see, Bill Hemmerling did not start his art career until he was 60 years old and had no formal training, other than working for Sears creating interior displays.  Even without a formal art background, his mind saw intensly beautiful people and situations that is obviously expressed in his art.

On the day Bill Hemmerling died,  Kalle Siekkinen found himself as the artist…as almost a reincarnation of his dear friend Bill as he passed.  Once again, Kalle had no formal training. He learned from Bill; watched him paint and listened to his life stories.  That is how his love for art grew and since then he has created a beautiful and meaningful collection of art.  To look at his artwork is like Bill Hemmerling is part of his paint brush.  He is carrying on the soulful creativity.  Kalle says it best on his website, “I like to think that when I paint now, that Bill and I connect.  At least on some level.  Many times I can feel his presence while painting and often times I light a candle and welcome him onto my own canvas.

So if you are strolling through the French Quarter, stop by the gallery to view the artwork of Kalle Siekkinen and his mentor William Hemmerling at the Hemmerling Gallery of Southern Art at 733 Royal Street.

Oh and by the way I also received my creative inspiration from the both of them and their story today.  I am off to work on my painting…

Are You Leading a Positive Life?

“I am strong and persistent in reaching my goals”

“I am centered, calm and balanced.  I declare peace and harmony within me and around me.”

“I am ready to see my own life in new and exciting ways”

“I accept good health as my natural state.”

“Today I speak from a place of love and kindness to those around me.”

“I am confident, competent and strong.”

“I reach my dreams by taking one step at a time.”

“To accomplish great things I must not only act, but also dream; not only plan, but also believe.”

“I am responsible for my life and always maintain the power I need to be positive and have joy”

Almost every day, one of my closest friends sends me a positive affirmation such as one from the list above.  We had made a pact to try to stay as positive as we can and surround ourselves with positive people and energy.  We are both trying to reach our own personal goals without negative intrusion from others or our own selves.  With so much negativity around us, not only does it spill into our own lives and attitudes, but can make us turn around and create the same in another person’s life.

We are the deciding factor in our lives of whether we are happy or not.  The moment we wake up in the morning we decide if it will be a good day; we choose to approach the day in a positive way.  Which do you choose when you start your day?

The toughest parts of life can consume us…make it hard to wake up in the morning and start another day.  A couple years ago my niece told me about a book by Louise Hay, “You Can Heal Your Life”.  I read it once and read it again focusing on the parts that pertained to me.  I cried when I realized what I was doing to myself; I was depleting myself of happiness day by day.  I learned to get rid of anxiety, be more positive…and take control of my life and my destiny.  Every day is still a learning challenge.  I wake up with postive affirmations and remind myself of them many times during the day.  I try as much as I can to remain in this favorable mood (a very difficult task sometimes) and steer clear from the negativity, in fact a couple times this week I walked away from it literally; cleared the head.  Surround yourself with positive people.  Is it worth it to keep the negative people in your life?  If you have no control over them, maybe it’s family or a co-worker, then like I said walk away when they cloud your day or better yet let them know. Focus on the positive, be strong and confident.  It’s up to you to be happy and live a well balanced life!

Besides repeating affirmations to yourself, a couple other things you can do to keep yourself positive:  say hello or good morning to people you see, be attentive to your moods, go for a walk or ride a bike to clear your head, meditate, work on a hobby,  look at the good in someone before the bad, listen to good music and oh, and how about smile!

Now how will you wake up tomorrow?  How about a good stretch and say, “Yep, I know it…today is going to be a good day!”

Not Just Another Friday the 13th in New Orleans

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From the time Drew Brees signed the first contract and became a Saint in 2006, he stood in the hearts of over a million people around Louisiana (and many displaced still at the time) whose souls, thus far, felt crushed after Hurricane Katrina.  He brought such a positive feeling to this city that he absolutely turned us right side up again! We wait for his motivational chant before every game and shout “Who Dat” as a hello greeting to those we meet on the street. We cried with joy the first game in the re-opening of the Dome in 2006.  Stunned, we cried again with joy when the Saints won the NFC Championship… “Pigs have flown, hell has frozen over” Jim Henderson exclaimed.  And we sobbed with such happiness and gratefulness  after the Superbowl win, watching our hero as he held his child up in the falling confetti of the celebration.  Then we cheered as a city and team when Drew broke the all-time passing record this past season.  Today again, people are celebrating in the streets of New Orleans…Black and Gold day once again! That euphoric feeling once again.  That feeling of hope again.

If you live in New Orleans you already know Drew Brees, our local hero, finally signed the contract.  He gives so much to our city that we know a big chunk of that money will come around to us.  From his charitable donations, opening businesses, supporting programs for the city, he and his wife living and raising their children in New Orleans, he is dedicating his life to New Orleans.  And we know it.  He is our neighbor and our hero.

Twitter and Facebook exploded! People are pulling out their Drew Brees jerseys…t-shirts around New Orleans will read “Team Drew”, “Praise Breesus”, “I’m Feeling a Cool Brees”and “Drew n ‘Em”.  We are ready for football.  We are ready for our leader of our team and our city to bring our spirits to another high.  We have faith. Finish Strong.

Because of Drew, we all want to be in that number When the Saints Go Marching In…again.

Who Dat!

Modern Day Cavewoman Eats Real Food

I am strong, lean, fast and healthy!  At least getting there by taking on the cavewoman approach.  I’m not a hunter and gatherer, but thankfully due to our modern world I can create my own cave world.  Of course I am a Po’Girl too so I’m having to learn to shop, cook and prepare meals that include the highest quality food I can afford.  My intention is to fill my body with healthy REAL FOOD!  This is not only for weight loss, to make you strong and lean, but to be healthy and to do everything I can to try and avoid heart disease, inflammatory diseases, diabetes and most cancers.

What do I eat?

  • grass-fed meats,
  • free-range chickens
  • free-range eggs
  • wild caught fish and shellfish
  • lots of vegetables including sweet potatoes and most tubor vegetables
  • fruit
  • nuts and all natural nut butters
  • good fats such as coconut, extra virgin olive oil, avocado, walnut, lard, grass-fed butter, fat from meat
  • Water is the drink of choice, organic tea, unsweetened almond or coconut milk, Kombucha when I can
  • rarely alcohol such as red wine, vodka, tequila (gotta drink in New Orleans sometimes!)
  • rarely dairy, but when I do it will be organic or raw and whole fat

What don’t I eat?

  • all grains…yes ALL grains, breads, cereal, oats
  • all processed food and all it’s toxins (pretty much anything that is packaged and has ingredients you can hardly pronounce)
  • all processed seed oils (Canola, vegetable, soy, corn etc.)
  • all soy products (all soy has pretty much been genetically modified)
  • all sugars (and it’s other names fructose, corn syrup, corn sweetener, sucrose, dextrose…anything that ends in “ose”
  • all of those “other sugars” such as pasta, potatoes, white breads
  • most dairy
  • legumes (beans)

Besides all the research, one of the first things I had to do was clear out the cupboards and fridge.  Wow, what a task, but I was so happy to do it.  Then I went to a few grocery stores and bought a bunch of the above mentioned Real Food items.  Sticker shock at first, but I went home unpacked and portioned out all this meat to make sure I got my full money’s worth out of it.  Since my first shopping day I have found Emmett’s Meat Market in Harahan, the Crescent City Farmer’s Market and Dewit’s Fruit and Veggie Stand on River Road that give me affordable quality choices.  The search goes on for more farmers and butchers.

Then the fun part, but the one that takes the most to manage: cooking, preparing and packing for the next days.  That is when the crockpot comes in handy too!  Boil a bunch of eggs.  Then get creative!

Mix the grass-fed ground beef with 1 egg, ground flax seed, garlic powder, sea salt and cayenne. Fry the bacon and use the bacon fat to saute the spinach and cook the burger.

Then to make the garlic mashed cauliflower:

So easy…use a steamer pot with water at the bottom.  Cut the cauliflower in chunks or florets and put in pan with 5 or 6 chopped garlic, salt well with sea salt or kosher salt and pepper.  Cover on and let steam until fork goes through very easy.  Put in a dish with about 2 tbsp of butter and mash with a fork.  A whole cauliflower makes about 4 servings.  So I had some for this meal tonight and breakfast tomorrow and the rest in the fridge for when I want some.

See, Cavewoman/caveman food looks delicious and it is because it’s Real Food made thoughtfully.  I make food that fuels my body; food I really enjoy.  The PoGirl way will keep it simple yet decadent and delicious.

I Don’t Have Time Again!!!

To me, my art is not a hobby, but a way of my life.

Or I wish it was a way of my life.  Good intentions.  I always have full intentions every night of finding time to paint, but I can rarely find time to dedicate to my art.  Why is that?  Is it really time or some kind of fear?  I’ve been working on one painting (albeit a large one) for quite a long time now and I have so many ideas of what piece to start next.  When I cannot find the time for my art, it has sometimes lead to tears; feelings of being overwhelmed.

I find I lead a very busy life.  I don’t even understand how people with children even manage to have time for other activities they love to do!  With travel time, work takes about 12 hours of my day and more when I am on-call and that’s average for people these days.  My fitness routine, which is not an option to give up takes up 1-2 hours 5 days a week, then there is cooking, taking care of my dogs and cats, cleaning the house, grocery shopping, getting in sufficient sleep…blah, blah, blah…we all have this routine.  I would also believe that most of us have a strong desire to do something they really love to do nightly or at least a few nights a week and only a handful of us actually get that time.  Do you really wish you had more time for your “hobby”, whether it’s artwork, writing, wood working, crafts, reading, gardening, cycling, hiking, sports?

These things we love to do are a large part of complete happiness, so I think it should be a priority, at least for me it is.  Am I willing to sacrifice something else going on in my life to accomplish this goal?  Are you?

Writing this, I have no solution right now, however I hope that you will leave a comment and tell me and everyone else how you make time to do the activity you love and make it a way of your life or what you may be willing to give up to reach this goal.  Or tell me if you are having the same problem.  Help me out!!

I would hope when I do get routine art time, I will have a blog post with ideas for everyone.

Now I am off to complete my nightly routine and maybe have time…well, maybe not tonight…maybe tomorrow?

How My Health and Fitness Journey Began

Thinking about what to write today Kim mentioned posting a good healthy recipe. Great idea, except if I told many of you upfront that I will give you a recipe that includes grass-fed beef, fried egg (both cooked in bacon grease), bacon, veggies and avocado, you would think I’ve lost my mind for selling that as “healthy”!  Yeah, and not so long ago I would’ve thought the same thing while I was chomping down on my 99% fat-free turkey burger made with fake eggs, low-fat cheese and steamed veggies; washing it down with artificially sweetened lemonade.

Turn the clock back one and a half years ago.  I just came off of one of my yo-yo diets…losing 15 lbs in the fall of 2010 (to a not so fit 128 lbs) , then between Christmas of 2010 and Mardi Gras 2011 I gained 22 lbs!!  I couldn’t believe it…you mean the po’boys, muffalettas, beignets, and king cake I ate for the past 6 weeks made me gain that much weight?  But I was eating good the rest of the time!  Huh?  In March of 2011 I went to GymMatrix around the corner from me and got my 2 year membership.  Committed.  After a few of the group training sessions, I was shot!  I couldn’t even get off the toilet without holding on to the toilet paper holder!  But I kept with it.  They taught me how to use the free weights, weight machines and stations I avoided at gyms previously.  I loved the weights!  With much encouragement from Lyle, Becca and everyone at the gym it became my second home.  5-6 days a week and I still do it.  I do it because I enjoy it; I really love working out.  I am not a cardio person and don’t recommend it to anyone.  I do 15 minutes 2 or 3 times a week on gym cardio, otherwise good ole walking outdoors or some high intensity training. I am not a hamster on a wheel.  My diet was still sketchy to start.  I gave up Diet Coke, sweet/salty snacks, desserts and chocolate for Lent.  I’ve never looked back on the soft drinks and stayed with the rest, counting calories and eating low-fat.  Weight was very, very slow to come off at first.  It wasn’t until July I started to eat clean…cut out sugar (sweets, breads, pasta, etc), eating lean meats, 6 small meals a day.  Weight melted off pretty quick at that point and I felt sexy, confident and in control!

Fast forward to 2012.  Everything was still going great, but I wanted to keep striving for my next goal (always have a goal and when you meet one, shoot for the next goal).  I am a very motivated and determined woman.  I wanted to be the best 44-year-old I could be.  And I wanted to be the healthiest.  I also searched for changes to my diet plan feeling that something wasn’t right…I was feeling bloated and still craved sugar and salty treats.  I still had that flab under my arms and sagginess that wouldn’t go away. When there was cake at work, I had the cake then went back for seconds.  When there was a carb loaded snack at work I would say Ah, it’s just a few handfuls, I can work it off.  The Praline Lady would come by work and I would give in.  I was working off quite a bit of unwanted foods!  So I gave it all up and added more whole grains, oats and beans to my diet…sounds healthy, right?  Wrong…felt just as bad and bloated and a slew of other small problems including female issues.  When I heard the word Paleo (Paleolithic Era), I thought well it’s clean-eating with a lot of meat right?  Well, after a lot of research online and geeking out on free podcasts like Latest in Paleo and the Paleo Solution, I discovered changing to this natural way of eating Real foods will make me a healthier, very fit person.  When this lightbulb went off in my head I hurried to throw out all the processed and crap I still had lingering in my kitchen.  There is no sugar, no grains at all, no processed foods and no seed (soy-type) oils.  It’s eating lots of grass-fed/pasture raised meats, wild caught fish and all the fats that go with them.  I can eat plenty of vegetables (organic when possible), eggs and fruit.  I discovered the taste of butter and real bacon again.

So, here I am today a couple of months later, I’ve lost a couple more pounds, I eat more than I ever have, I got leaner losing 2 more inches around my waist, I can lift heavier weights, my energy has increased, my skin is better, my hair seems thicker and hell even my teeth seem stronger.

I would never ask anyone to jump on the bandwagon like I did, even though I could promise it would make you feel better than you have ever felt, but I just wanted you to know my journey.  The long journey of the yo-yo dieting is done.  It’s about me, my family and my friends now…my cheerleaders…the people, including myself who wipe the sweat from my brow and telling me to get back in the ring.  I’ve won this round and the battle is almost over.  Almost…well, like I said, there is always my next goal.

Goodbye Sugar

Dear Sugar,

We were together for so many years; I craved you and was obsessed with you.  You came at me in so many ways and I couldn’t resist you.  Whether you were cookies, ice-cream, cakes, pasta and oh that warm loaf of bread, you made my mouth water and left me wanting more by the end of everyday.  Every time I tried to leave you and put you out of my head, you came back looking so sweet and enticing, but then you would make me feel bad and sick; my skin was horrible and I gained weight.  You played with my head!  You made me think I couldn’t live without you!

But, I am over you.  I have moved on.  I tossed you out of my life and never looked back.  Sure I think about you once in a while, but not out of wanting anymore, but in a sad way…I pity you as you keep trying to ruin another life.  I have now turned to meat, vegetables, fat, fruit and nuts to keep me happy and satisfied.  It’s hard to believe after all we had been through, I just don’t miss you anymore.  It’s finally over!

So goodbye Sugar…I have moved on to embrace another love…Life!


Formerly Yours,



PS:  I am writing this eating a yummy grass-fed burger topped with egg, bacon, tomato and avocado with a side of asparagus, onions and garlic.  Eat your heart out!

Strolling Around Uptown…

I live Uptown and for those of you who haven’t been to New Orleans or only have seen the French Quarter, I am a streetcar ride away from the Quarter between Magazine and Tchoupitoulas (yeah that’s a tough one if you aren’t from here but just say “Chop” and you sound cool).  Today is my day off after a fun 75 hour week being on call.  The first thing I enjoy doing on every day off is taking the dogs for a walk through my neighborhood,  with the charming homes to the live oak tree and antebellum home lined St. Charles Avenue where I always love to see old streetcars go past, then through Audubon Park.  It’s a slow walk with Bandit and Mama Bear (stopping to sniff everything), but thats what I enjoy. I feel very lucky to live in New Orleans everytime I go on these walks.  You see, I don’t need all the touristy nightlife to enjoy the city I love…just a stroll through her neighborhoods is all the appreciation I need.